Mary Bottini: Paintings from 2013 – 2015

The network of relationships in the system of nature has inspired these paintings. The Seen and Unseens Series was painted using invisible ink and/or glow paint. When the viewer shines a blacklight on these paintings, hidden images are revealed that represent the unseen forces of nature, all within us. The concept is meant to convey that there is a system that operates behind the scenes, hidden in plain sight. The paintings encourage viewers to notice the “painting within the painting” that exists beyond our limited senses.

A desire to know ourselves inevitably leads us to this system, our subconscious, where we undergo a process to understand who we are on a much deeper level.

“Duality,” “The Flood,” “Coherent Conscience,” “Death of a Survivor,” and “Hemmed In” were inspired by the impact the subconscious has on our experiences in reality. Accepting the invitation (sometimes in the form of a crisis) to journey inward gives us a new level of perception and awareness.