The Resurrection of the Dead:

CONCEPT:  We lie in our current feeling of separateness. The light from above awakens people below to start the process of returning to unity. By working together with this one desire, to connect within and above matter, through our hearts, we build a field/network/foundation for love between us. The underlying connection is revealed in the painting/creation as the light scans across the body. 

When we feel our interconnectedness we are revitalized, resurrected to an unimaginable state of unity. When we look back at our previous perception, in comparison, it feels as though we had been dreaming... as though it was an illusion or imaginary, as though we hadn't really been living at all.

From Psalms 126, written in binary code, “We were as dreamers.”

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A Seed’s Potential:

CONCEPT:  In the system of Nature, a seed is planted in the earth. It is somehow encoded with all the information it needs so that its cells activate and multiply in a specific order so that it arrives at the next stage of its intended existence.

When the wall of its seed home starts to disintegrate, rot, and pass away, some of the cells in the seed automatically know exactly what to do... go toward the light!  As much as that sounds like death, we know it’s actually not. Some cells have the job to multiply and become the firm foundation, the roots. Others seem wired to grow upward, to burst through conventional wisdom’s seed wall, through the muck and mire of uncertainty. Operating by faith and with one common desire to give to the entire seed body, they make their way up through the soil toward the light that always gives new life. Once they reach the light they are nourished while they take on a new form of existence. 

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Coherent Conscience:

CONCEPT:  When the heart and mind are united and resonate they form a channel for the flow of happiness, balance, and wholeness. When they are at extreme odds one feels deep states of a disconnect, upheaval, and inner turmoil... a crisis. 
The light reveals a channel of coherence where information flows between the heart and mind. The acupuncture points are connected and the heart glows. The heart is a mirror, reflecting what is inside, outward.

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The Middle Path:

CONCEPT:  Our existence is between two of Nature's forces. Between the negative and positive, the receiving and giving, the left and the right. We shine the brightest when we are balanced on the path between them. The middle line glows.  

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Compassion for the King:

CONCEPT:  A benevolent wise man and his guide bring bread and water to a fallen king who has been turned upside-down. Their assistant pours a jug of water on the old king’s face to awaken.

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Copyright © 2014 Mary Bottini All rights reserved.

Don Juan (SOLD)

Don Juan is about the magic of being in the moment... open and uninhibited. When a Don Juan character is with you he makes you feel like you are the only other person in the world. These two danced, then disappeared from each other without a trace, except in thought.

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All information and images on this website are protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced or used in any form or media without written permission from Mary Bottini.